I wish each of you on this occasion of this NEW Year, may the Power of "Shree Mahakali" remains awaken within us on our "Eda" and bless us by helping us to come out of our past with no remorse or regret on our past suffering, mistakes, tragedies, or any unpleasant episodes of yesteryears of our life ... and may the Power of "Shree Mahasaraswathi" awaken within us on our "Pingla" with her complete blessing so that we are bestowed upon with complete absolute wisdom and truth without any anxiety or concern about the future...... and may "Shree Mahalakshmi" remain awaken on our "Sukshmana" with complete happiness and at most balanced state and may bless us so that our minds always remain witness to our surroundings and attain thoughtless awareness with complete happiness, satisfaction, and peace in our life. Sudesh DJV & family Indore MP Dated for ever. The above video is 'Happy New Year...