Sahaja Yoga Mooladhara Chakra
Shree Mataji pravachan on "Ganas" and antibodies and Viruses... MOOLADHARA CHAKRA Below is the video which explains about "Mooladhara Chakra and its orgin and significance Below is the video where "Mooladhara chakra is explained Below is the video of Shreemataji where in she is describing about "Shri Ganesh Chakra" Below is the video of "Shree Mataji" Pravachan on Mooladhara Chakra in Hindi and English Below is the video vani of "Shree Mataji" in English about Mooladhara Chakra. Below is the video of "Shree Mataji" vani on "Shri Ganesh" and his conditions. Below is the video of "Shree Mataji" on Shri Ganesh in ENGLISH. Below is the video of "Shree Mataji " vani on Shri Ganesha. Below are the links towards video Pravachans various "Shree Mataji's" Lectures on Mooladhara Chakra. Raga for Mooldhara https...