
Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

False Gurus Fraud Gurus

 False are the Gurus with selfish “Aim”
All but a few are only to attain ‘Fame’,
Love-they show, which is just a ‘game’-
Same they continue without any ‘Shame’,
Every time a False Guru is under ‘Flame’
Gossips continue throwing on others- the ‘blame”
Until some innocents lives got claimed
Rarely wake up from slumber- 'so shame’
Undue advantage  Gurus manage in this game
Some are threatened, continue to bully, and tame
False Gurus are society’s biggest worry
Realize it soon, before it reaches a state of ‘Sorry’
Almighty to find, travel within alone
Until you feel your mind is being flown
Do it ‘alone’ meditate, continue without flaw-
Guru Mother in you will awake, it is universal Law.
Understand you are your own Guru, not the Fraud
Realize it though it may seem a bit hard
Soul and 'Kundalini for their union's sake.

Sudesh DJV
24th Oct 2017
11:10 pm
Indore, MP, India

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed

God is the Origin and giver of Love, Peace, and Prosperity and hence we cannot decide a cost for the same. The best way to reciprocate God's blessings is by doing something for the less privileged who are denied the 'Love' at home or in the society, who are not able to lead a peaceful life and those are weak economically.

There is no point in showering temples, Churches, and Mosques with  Money and other costly ornaments. God will never be pleased with all these things which are of no use for the 'Creator". He knows and wants to see the "Only and Only "Love" among its best creation on earth. We nurture hatred for fellow human beings and praise the lord and try to please him with luxuries things are equivalent to mockery and height of  Childishness.

Further, the most important thing which I would like to mention is, it would be one of the worst childishness of human beings to indulge in all illegal activities knowingly or unknowingly and find shortcut methods to get rid of the sin through the help of some of the so-called mediators (false gurus) and get into their trap.

We need to understand one thing very clearly that God is not available on 'Sale" neither his blessings are available against our emotions. He is omnipotent and is on a 'witness mode' since the beginning of the everlasting "time". There is no force on earth that can engage in any 'barter system' whether it is monetary or emotional against which we can be united with the supreme power. Yes 'Supreme Power' can be sought only and only through 'Pure Desire' with a 'Pristine mind' who can speak and understand the Universal language of 'Love'.

If you are the one who possesses a 'Pristine Mind and heart' with 'Pure Desire' to know him, understand him, feel him and also if you know the language of 'Love', then that is sufficient to attain God. Then there is no need for any mediator in the form of Gurus. Especially in this "Kaliyuga" where on the drop of a hat you may find a "Guru" who may or may not be True or Genuine. In Kaliyuga 99 % of Gurus are selfish goal-oriented, who have adopted the "Guru status " with some selfish motives. Some for fame, some for the name. some for comfort, and some for money, Some for their lust, some to clear the dust in their personal life.

The height of stupidity is seen when these so-called Gurus start promoting products in their name. It is utterly ridiculous for us to follow a person to know and seek the blessings of the supreme power who has business interests. Did Shirdi Sai Baba had any products to promote for his followers, Did any of the known established recognized Gurus from history has ever sold any products may it be his Holiness Shri Guru Nanak Ji or Shri Shirdi Sai Baba or you may take any other prominent names whom the 'time' has recognized as 'True Spiritual Guru'. None of them has ever indulged in any promotion of products other than only and only preaching.

So we the public need to open our eyes and eschew from following or even seeking to bless any spiritual Gurus in this modern time irrespective of whether they are genuine or not because we can hardly recognize them. It doesn't mean that we must disrespect any spiritual Gurus as we are not aware of the person is genuine or false. So the best way is to keep away from them without any disrespect as we should not be guilt to have disrespected even if one among them may be genuine.

In this Modern Kuliyug period "Kundalini" within each human being who is sleeping for ages in the 'Sacrum Born" to give our life the spiritual upliftment is eager to lead us and show the path. We need to recognize the power and awaken the same within which could be possible with only 'pure desire'. It is free for the whole life. God's love cannot be sold. The knowledge which could be possible through various Sahaja Yoga centers across the globe is totally FREE.

Sudesh DJV 
Indore / MP / India
24th Oct 2017
10:05 pm

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india
Rape accused under trial since August 2018. Jesus who has incarnated to teach forgiveness would be reluctant to forgive him for the sin occupying the pristine and responsible saintly post.

Above is a useful eye-opener cartoon on False Gurus

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

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Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india
Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Mr Jose Madathil's one of the open and frank speeches addressing catholic followers about the Fraudness in the conduct of Fathers and Bishops... (Malayalam)

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fraud Gurus.. Fooling and conversion attempts by a few Pentecost (A section in Christianity) followers...

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

A False Guru being handled by the Public...

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

A video that reveals the names of almost all fraud gurus who are misutilising the innocence of devotees...

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fraud Guru trying to flirt with the girl mis-utilizing the innocence of the devotee...
Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Asharam in Jail...

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Mother Teresa was only focused on "conversions" of poor and many more revealed... 

Pentecost religious leaders conducting training to some people on how to pretend during stage shows to attract the innocent public for conversion. 

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

The above video is a cartoon mocking false Gurus.

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

The above video shows an Ex- follower throwing away the photographs of RamRahim into a River.

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Asharam effect on society and children...

Ram Rahim statement during one of his previous interviews before he is convicted

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india
Job Mathew Father of Church in Kerala arrested on sexual accused

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india

Fake Gurus False Gurus Fraud Gurus Revealed, False Gurus revealed, Caught the False guru. False Guru videos  False Gurus Unmaksed, fake gurus, fraud gurus, false gurus in india
1 in every 3 Madrassas in Pakistan are sexually abusing Paedophiles a report reveals

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.


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