
Showing posts from 2019



Above video is of a Huge bird resembling Jadayu... Above video is of a Huge "Jadayu" look like bird spotted by tourists in the northern part of India during 2018. Two human beings look like birds found in Tamil Nadu. An animated video narration from history of Ramayana, the role of "Jadayu" ... Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Difference Between Shia and Sunni Muslims

Below pieces of information are collected from various reliable sources.  Between 10% and 13% are Shia Muslims, and 87% to 90% are Sunni Muslims. Sunni Muslims are also present in more countries and regions throughout the world, whereas most Shia Muslims live in four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India, and Iraq. The vast majority of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are Sunni, according to a 2009 study by a Research centre. The conflicts erupted between Shia and Sunni Muslims due to the huge differences raised among them which goes back to the 7th century and the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Yet a spotlight has been shone recently on the differences between the two branches of the religion as the number of clashes between both groups has intensified. The separation of the two groups started after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. T he majority believed that his rightful successor was his father-in-law and close friend, Abu Bakr, but a small group believed the Pro...

Battle of Chamkaur Sahib

A nice briefing through a proper presentation of the entire incident...  The  Battle of Chamkaur , also known as  Battle of Chamkaur Sahib , was a battle fought between the Khalsa, led by Guru Gobind Singh , against the Mughal army led by Waziri Khan . and Ajmer Chand's league of Rajput Hill Chieftains.  The period of this Battle in Chamkaur is 21,22 and 23 December 1704 [6,7,8 Poh Samat 1761 Bikrmi].Guru Gobind Singh makes a reference to this battle in his victory letter Zafarnama.  Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for the Mankind in general.

True Muslims Above Religious Clutches

Muslims are Patriotic too. These videos reveal the same. It is great to hope for our nation as all that glitters are not gold and all those who are Muslims are not puppets either.  It is very encouraging to learn that anti-national political parties cannot teach and misguide every Muslim for a long time. Only some of them can be misguided for some time.   The below videos have proved that Muslims too have honesty and patriotism in them. Ex ISRO Chairman and Ex-President of India APJ Abdul Kalam interacting with school students guiding and inspiring them with imparting motivation and wisdom. Bohra Samaj Muslim brothers jointly announced support to Pulwama Matryers at the same time criticized tooth and nail against the terrorist.. very clear cut stand no half stand A true Muslim anchor through a Health TV Channel briefing the benefits of Cow milk and its various other by-products and also objecting to killing the Cow..... A True and honest Pakistani Muslim Mo...

7 Greatest Points to Remember

दुनिया के सबसे बड़े 7 डाक्टर ! 🔹1 - सुरज की किरणें ! 🌞 🔹2 - रोजाना रात 6/8 घंटे निंद*! 😴 🔹3 - शुध्द शाकाहारी भोजन! 🍑 🔹4 - हर रोज व्यायाम.!🏃 🔹5 - खुद पर विश्वास! 😇 🔹6 - पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी का सेवन!💧 🔹7 - अच्छे दोस्त!   👬 👬...    इन 7 बातों को हमेशा अपने पास रखीये , सभी दर्द दुर हो जायेंगे ... ...  एक मिनट का समय निकाल के अवश्य पढ़े ...   एक आदमी जंगल से गुजर रहा था , उसे चार स्त्रियां मिली !उसने पहली से पूछा -  बहन तुम्हारा नाम क्या हैं ? उसने कहा " बुद्धि "! तुम कहां रहती हो ? मनुष्य के दिमाग में! दूसरी स्त्री से पूछा - बहन तुम्हारा नाम क्या हैं ? " लज्जा "! तुम कहां रहती हो ? "आंख में"! तीसरी से पूछा - *तुम्हारा क्या नाम हैं ? " हिम्मत "! कहां रहती हो ? "दिल में" ! चौथी से पूछा - तुम्हारा नाम क्या हैं ? " तंदुरूस्ती "! "कहां रहती हो ? पेट में ! वह आदमी अब थोडा आगे बढा , तों फिर उसे चार पुरूष मिले ! उसने पहले पुरूष से पूछा - तुम्हारा नाम क्या हैं ? " क्रोध "! कहां रहतें हो ? दिमाग में...

Green Chilli Benefits Videos

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for the Mankind in general.

An appeal to Indian citizens

I have a point to convey to all my respected Indian citizens who are around here reading this piece of messages..., True Indians are extremely tolerant, but the intolerant lot always do anything they like and keep blaming the real tolerant as intolerant...? Every move of government keeping in view only nation's interest is blocked and some dirty political parties are involved in shameless provocation and unethically misguide citizens... The reason behind the same is only ONE...Yes, the reasons are the citizens of India are the biggest selfish, and they are ready to fall into the trap of APPEASEMENT POLITICS. it is actually just like throwing biscuits to dogs... If India does not rise to the occasion and demand of the Nation, then the days are not far when the identity of the Nation will be in danger. I STRONGLY BELIEVE, RATHER HAS REALIZED about Supreme power that All religion belongs to One Supreme. Without any doubt, I have tried to put light into the same through ...

CAA Reply to Opposition

I recently went through a couple of videos, one of them, the interview of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and another Mr. Kannan Gopinathan ex IAS's a sort of brainwashing session to a group of audience. Pro CAA briefing in 'Seattle senate' by an Indian lady with numerous banner support clarifying the nondiscriminatory status of the Act.  Both of the above videos are of Indian Home Minister Mr. Amit Shah who clarifies the then stand of certain giant leaders of the 1940s on CAA.  Kejriwal is speaking about documents in a twist. Those Rohingyas and Bengalis who belong to the majority community of that Nation from where they came from will be sent back.. (FOR THE REASON THEY CROSSED THE BORDER FOR ECONOMIC REASONS). Those Bangladeshis (who previously used to be United Indian's Citizens before partition during 1947) would be accommodated on the humanitarian ground due to the atrocities they are undergoing in that nation. This is as simple as that. The ...

Ayodhya Shri Ram Temple Construction Make Donations Only through NEFT

Finally, the court has given the verdict on Ayodhya Shriram Temple Babri Masjid dispute. As the dispute is over and the court has given the rights of the land to Shri Ram temple trust, Now all are focusing on how to go ahead with forming the trust and built the much-awaited "Pristine temple of Shri Ram". It is very heartening to learn that the government has decided to not to use a single rupee from the government fund and every penny would be collected through donations. I have learned through media that certain leaders are appealing to contribute a donation for the same with as little 11/- Rupees per person. I have a humble suggestion on this matter. Keeping in view the necessity to involve maximum possible devotees to become part of contribution for building the pristine temple, I request, equal importance must be provided to make sure that each penny collected are hard-earned money of human beings on earth. There must not be even a single rupee of "una...

Anti Riots Bill Need of the Nation

It is high time the Indian government take up the matter of amending the rules with respect to the trend of damaging public and private property under the guise of 'riots. Keeping in view Indian citizens urge to damage public and private properties, there must an' Act' passed in parliament which could impose heavy penalty as well as complete reimbursement of the losses from the organization which leads and guides the miscreants or from the very individual themselves.  Yes, it is very painful and beyond imagination how any citizen of the country can indulge in such a cold-blooded approach towards their nation by destroying and damaging the nation's asset to register their protest...? It is inevitable to bring in legislation which shoulders the responsibility to the respective community, political parties or any other related organizations which are responsible for the riots. It has to be noted that if there are differences of opinion among family members, ...

पुनर्जन्म सिद्धान्त समीक्षा

पुनर्जन्म सिद्धान्त समीक्षा  प्रश्न :- पुनर्जन्म किसे कहते हैं ? उत्तर :- आत्मा और इन्द्रियों का शरीर के साथ बार बार सम्बन्ध टूटने और बनने को पुनर्जन्म या प्रेत्याभाव कहते हैं । प्रश्न :- प्रेत किसे कहते हैं ? उत्तर :- जब आत्मा और इन्द्रियों का शरीर से सम्बन्ध टूट जाता है तो जो बचा हुआ शरीर है उसे शव या प्रेत कहा जाता है । प्रश्न :- भूत किसे कहते हैं ?  उत्तर :- जो व्यक्ति मृत हो जाता है वह क्योंकि अब वर्तमान काल में नहीं है और भूतकाल में चला गया है इसी कारण वह भूत कहलाता है । प्रश्न :- पुनर्जन्म को कैसे समझा जा सकता है ? उत्तर :- पुनर्जन्म को समझने के लिये आपको पहले जन्म और मृत्यु के बारे मे समझना पड़ेगा । और जन्म मृत्यु को समझने से पहले आपको शरीर को समझना पड़ेगा । प्रश्न :- शरीर के बारे में समझाएँ ।  उत्तर :- शरीर दो प्रकार का होता है :- (१) सूक्ष्म शरीर ( मन, बुद्धि, अहंकार, ५ ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ ) (२) स्थूल शरीर ( ५ कर्मेन्द्रियाँ = नासिका, त्वचा, कर्ण आदि बाहरी शरीर ) और इस शरीर के द्वारा आत्मा कर्मों को करता है । प्रश्न :- जन्म किसे क...