
Human Population Global Warming Connection

Human Population Global Warming Connection

Here in this article, I would like to point out certain facts which will make it compulsive for us humans to act urgently to contain our population growth before it reaches catastrophic effects on the planets. I really wonder why so far the debate only stuck around the economic-related issue of a family or the country alone, instead of its other possible wider evil repercussions on the planet among which the Global warming due to the effect on environment stands tall among all.

Yes, among all the living beings that have inhabited earth, human beings are the only species whose living standard moves it away from nature. Unlike all other living beings from insects to big animals, all live and die as a part of this environment without a negative contribution to the ecosystem of this planet.

The reason which contributes towards the slow death of our planet is provided herewith one by one which could be considered as important factors while the government takes any step towards creating a rule to control the population in India.

Reason no 1.
Unlike other living beings, an increase in the human population is directly proportional to the decrease of aforestation and the same contribute to an increase in deforestation. 
The solution 
The Solution is to introduce certain rules where just like the Ocean cannot be decreased as it is impossible, in a similar manner, we must adopt that 60 % of the country must be forest or green area and at any circumstances, the forest area's diversion to residential must be banned. This will be supported by high-rise residential and commercial building approval even to the extent of 25 floors that too for the smaller towns.
Even smaller towns like Jhabua in MP or any other towns throughout India with one lakh or 2 lakh population must be allowed to compulsory high rise, the expansion may move vertically instead of encroachment on the adjacent green lands. When the expansion due to encroachment stops cutting of greenery will become nil. When citizens are staying in apartment culture, it would be easy to introduce Compulsory Water Recharging system to every apartment, Compulsory water treatment plants to every apartment, compulsory overhead solar panels to generate electricity thus India could easily gallop towards attaining its energy renewal target as well as contribute by reducing carbon emission due to its contribution in reducing vehicle pollution as a city gets reduced to small pockets thus less traveling which further contributes to the reduction of import of crude oil and thus huge saving for our Forex from bleeding to a greater extent. 

Reason No 2.
Among all animals and birds including insects, probably human being is the biggest Carbon dioxide emitter of this planet. It is due to the fact human beings are the only living creature which has the highest population figures of 700+ billion. Apart from the same, it is human being alone among the species who is using non-eco-friendly toxic emitting products like Fridge, AC, motor vehicles which emit carbon. Further humans pollute water available on the planet through bathing soaps and detergents and most dangerous the earth's periphery is being destroyed by means of pesticides thus the fertility of the soil is becoming dangerous too.
The Solution: The elimination of the above problem is not possible but the population control of human beings or arrest of increase of human population could easily help us to contain the same from becoming any catastrophic effect on our planet.
Benefits: Further deterioration of our planet's ecosystem and fertility of the soil could be arrested for falling further from where we stand now.

Reason No 3:
Population growth is directly proportional to the increase in unemployment and decrease in the happiness index of any country. 
The Solution:
It is true that the government has to take full responsibility to increase the job creation in the country to eradicate unemployment from the country, it is the equal responsibility of the government to make sure demand for employment is reduced without slowing down the economy. The lack of hectic demand for employment without slowing down the economy could be possible only through population control. 
Benefits: The happiness index of our country would increase when the pressure on unemployed youths is less. Then already employed may get better remuneration from the same company or better offers from competitors and thus it may contribute towards improvement in the standard of living as well as the happiness index of the country.

Reason No 4:
The excess population of any country like those grey cells in the human body which if not attended start disturbing other good cells in the body and may eventually lead to cancer if not treated on time.
The Solution: Introduction and implementation of strict population control rules which are not as hardcore as was in China but much stronger than India ever could have imagined. A few tips are, all government benefits like subsidies and voting rights must be eliminated for those citizens who do not follow the population rule. Most sensitive departments like "price of Ration shop" must be considered as an important factor to spread and implement the awareness among the poor population.
Benefits: Just like Demonetization was thrust on the citizens as the intention was good and hence 90% of genuine Indians accepted, welcomed, and cooperated likewise, a hard and strong decision with respect to population control will be welcomed and bring in awareness too.

Reason No 5:
The excess population, unemployment and then poverty is related to each other and the same may prove to be one of the main reason for terrorist recruitment. 
To be continued...

Sudesh DJV
Indore / MP / India
6th Nov 2019

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which are in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.


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