
Showing posts from August, 2019


Arun Jaitley A Tribute

दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी में काउंसिलिंग के समय एडमिशन फीस के पांच रुपये उन दिनों जमा करवाना होते थे। एक कमरे के किराये के घर में माता-पिता और सात बहनों के साथ रहने वाला एक गरीब लड़का अपने पत्रकारिता ग्रेजुएशन में काउंसिलिंग के समय से एक घण्टा लेट पहुँचा... हाँफते हुए वो काउंटर पर गया तो समय निकल चुका था... काउंटर के कर्मचारी ने पूछा... अभी तक कहा थे, समय पर नही आ सकते ,लेट क्यो हुवे... लड़के ने जवाब दिया... सर किराये के पैसे नही थे इसलिए सुबह से ही पैदल चल कर आ रहा हूँ.... बहुत रिक्वेस्ट के बाद किसी तरह कॉन्सिलिंग के लिए डॉक्यूमेंट ले लिये जाते हैं.... कुछ देर बाद लड़का फिर रिक्वेस्ट करता हुआ वहां गिड़गिड़ाता हैं... सर बाकी दो रूपये कल जमा कर देंगे, हमारे ओरिजिनल डॉक्यूमेंट आप रख लीजिए, हम कल काउंटर खुलने से पहले ही रूपये जमा कर देंगे.... कर्मचारी:- नही नही!! आज ही रसीद कटेगी, तो आज ही जमा करो, नही तो मैं कुछ नही कर सकता.... लड़का फिर गिड़गिड़ाता हैं .... कि उसके पीछे से कोई कंधे पर हाथ रख के ... काउंटर पर कर्मचारी से सवाल करता हैं.... क्यों परेशान कर र...

National Sports Day August 29th

Super running ... was ahead from the very beginning by an Indian athletics girl ..fantastic. Para Olympics scene... Deepa Malik shot put Silver medal... International "Tank Sports" performance... India won in the same Sports athletics Indian girl comes first...Chitra.... Superb "Black Century" in Carroms game... Sports in Skating talent... Adventure sports bike talent... Football ... Badminton talent PV Sindhu's non-stop 78 serves... Superb performance...  Sakshi Malik Olympics Gymnastics... Sakshi Malik Olympics medal winner... Indian untapped hidden talents... Need proper approach... Kabaddi Sports.. fanstastic situation... Tennis Nice game with comedy mode... Super tennis sports game... Athletics sports ... Superb talent.. efficiency in Table Tennis... Agassi about Boris Becker..... Superfinishing and Sportsmanship displayed... Superb Volleyball scene... Cont...

Brain Haemorrhage Symptoms First Aid

ब्रेन-हेमरेज, ब्रेन-स्ट्रोक (मस्तिष्क आघात) अर्थात दिमाग़ की नस का फटना। मस्तिष्क आघात के मरीज़ को कैसे पहचानें? माना कि ब्रेन-हैमरेज से कुछ लोग मरते नहीं है, लेकिन वे सारी उम्र के लिये अपाहिज़ और बेबसी वाला जीवन जीने पर मजबूर तो हो ही जाते हैं!! स्ट्रोक की पहचान - बामुश्किल एक मिनट का समय लगेगा, आईए जानते हैं-न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट कहते हैं- अगर कोई व्यक्ति ब्रेन में स्ट्रोक लगने के, तीन घंटे के अंदर, अगर उनके पास पहुँच जाए तो स्ट्रोक के प्रभाव को पूरी तरह से समाप्त (reverse) किया जा सकता है।  उनका मानना है कि सारी की सारी ट्रिक बस यही है कि कैसे भी स्ट्रोक के लक्षणों की तुरंत पहचान होकर, मरीज़ को जल्द से जल्द (यानि तीन घंटे के अंदर-अंदर) डाक्टरी चिकित्सा मुहैया हो सके, और बस दुःख इस बात का ही है कि अज्ञानतावश यह सब ही execute नहीं हो पाता है!!! मस्तिष्क के चिकित्सा विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार स्ट्रोक के मरीज़ की पहचान के लिए तीन अतिमहत्वपूर्ण बातें जिन्हें वे STR कहते हैं, सदैव ध्यान में रखनी चाहिए। अगर STR नामक ये तीन बातें हमें मालूम हों तो मरीज़ के बहुमूल्य जीवन को बचाया जा स...

Arunachal Pradesh

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for the Mankind in general.

Pure Clarified Ghee It's Benefits

The complete details are assimilated from various reliable internet and books.  Benefits Of Ghee (Also known as "Clarified Butter" ) Ghee or clarified butter, in the past found mainly in many Indian dishes, is now becoming a favorite ingredient not only for Ayurveda cooks, but also main stream chefs and nutritionists as they experience the qualities it brings to their dishes. Benefits of Ghee (Clarified Butter) include improved digestion, memory, and flexibility of body tissues. Ghee is made from butter, but its milk solids and salts have been removed which then makes it a pure “oil”.  This oil can be brought to high temperatures without burning.  (An important factor in the kitchen and possibly why many French cooks use it in their sauces).  When ghee melts it is clear and has a beautiful yellow color as well as a  faint nutty smell, a little like popcorn.  That quality only enhances the richness and flavor of everything that contains it. ...

Annex POK Opportunity beckons

After the much-awaited technical merger of  Jammu Kashmir with the Union of India, which even previously was an integral part of the country, thus India has taken a huge step forward towards complete integration of the nation. But the integration of the country is incomplete without regaining POK and COK (Territories illegally gifted by Pakistan to China)  A brief narration of the status of POK leaders and the local citizens.  Keeping a bird's eyes view on India's contemporary foreign relations due to our PM Narendra Modi's all-time best successful International diplomacy, It is heartening to see countries like Japan and Israel which have more or less become our permanent ally and are openly standing with us at the same time world superpowers like both Russia and USA  reiterated several times that Jammu and Kashmir is a bilateral dispute between India and Pakistan thus standing together with us. At the same time, Pakistan is isolated in a very open and blunt ...

P Chidambaram's Nightmare on Verge of Reality

Yes, P Chidambaram's Nightmare seems to be on the verge of turning to be a reality.  I wonder how a responsible and one of the senior-most politicians who belong to the oldest political party of the country can tarnish his own image by remaining at large thus, giving room for his critics to speculate on his involvement in the crime.  By his act of absconding like this, he has already proved his involvement in the cases related to the investigation going on. His act of going underground is nothing less than yelling silently to all ogling on the developments of this trial that 'he is timid'. An innocent man with such a strong political background and dynastic history would never feel timid. Only 'time' could disclose the truth.  The latest news is that Chidambaram is denied Anticipatory Bail In INX Case, CBI Team At His Home. Let us try to understand his case a little closely.  It is believed that Mr P. Chidambaram has Rs 120 lakh crore stashed in...

Veer Savarkar Unrecognized Sacrifices

An article would be uploaded on the "Great Personality Shri Vir Savarkar" soon. Homage paid to Vir Savarkar by Indian PM Shri Narendra Modi.  Above video is of Shri Veer Savarkar's ordeal during his Andaman prison days revealed through this rare video released by British.  Veer Savarkar meeting with Mahatma Gandhi... Shri Atal ji from the bottom of his heart expressing Shri Savarkar and his greatness...  विश्व के एकमात्र तीन सगे भाई जो अपने देश की आजादी के लिए 12 सालों से ज्यादा समय तक जेल में रहे .... (उस मां को नमन जिसने ऐसे 3 महान सपूतों को जन्म दिया, 'नारायण राव सावरकर', 'गणेश राव सावरकर', 'विनायक दामोदर सावरकर' ।)  सावरकर विश्व के एकमात्र व्यक्ति थे जिन्होंने बैरिस्टर की पूरी पढ़ाई करने के बाद पूरा एग्जाम देने के बाद भी अंग्रेजों ने उन्हें बैरिस्टर की डिग्री नहीं दी ... (सोचिए अंग्रेजो ने जवाहरलाल नेहरू से लेकर सबको बैरिस्टर की डिग्री दी सिर्फ विनायक दामोदर सावरकर को बैरिस्टर की डिग्री नहीं दिया गया)  'विनायक दामोदर सावरकर' ...

China Atrocities on Uighur Muslims

This Youtube video briefs about the plight of Uighur Muslim in China... Biggest live and contemporary comedy of 21st century is the friendship between Islamic state Pakistan and China which is presently number one with regard to worst treatment against Muslims. China is one of the major countries which does not give  not only freedom of Religious expression but it is the major country which are antagonists towards religions (Pagans). It is really nothing short of a ridiculous situation to see Pakistan and China approaching UN on Kashmir issue with false claims about its ownership as well as utter wrong propagandas. The situation can be compared to an 'imaginary situation' where in 'Hafiz Saeed and Mazood Azar' approaching UN with a complaint that they are being 'detained' by local police. Pakistan has nothing to speak about huge agitation that is taking place in POK with anti Pakistani Slogans which has become a constant day to day affair?...

Balochistan It's History and Future

Balochistan history As we know "Balochistan" got independence from British well 4 days before India and Pakistan got its independence, i.e on 11th August 1947. Pakistan parliament chant "Modi", "Modi"...  Live video The basic information which we should know about "Balochistan" is that, During British rule, there were several princely states under certain treaties. Among them some were directly ruled and some of them were not directly ruled by the British Empire. Such princely states were free to take their own internal decisions. These princely states had the right to merge with either India or Pakistan or declare themselves as independent nations. One of them was the princely state of Balochistan (Kalat, Kharan, Los Bura and Makran). Balochistan expressed its desire to remain independent. Pakistani military's atrocities on Balochistan citizens... A joint declaration was signed on 11 August 1947 between the Muslim Le...