
Pure Clarified Ghee It's Benefits

The complete details are assimilated from various reliable internet and books. 

Benefits Of Ghee (Also known as "Clarified Butter" )

Ghee or clarified butter, in the past found mainly in many Indian dishes, is now becoming a favorite ingredient not only for Ayurveda cooks, but also main stream chefs and nutritionists as they experience the qualities it brings to their dishes. Benefits of Ghee (Clarified Butter) include improved digestion, memory, and flexibility of body tissues.

Ghee is made from butter, but its milk solids and salts have been removed which then makes it a pure “oil”.  This oil can be brought to high temperatures without burning.  (An important factor in the kitchen and possibly why many French cooks use it in their sauces).  When ghee melts it is clear and has a beautiful yellow color as well as a  faint nutty smell, a little like popcorn.  That quality only enhances the richness and flavor of everything that contains it.

Ghee can also be used instead of butter. It becomes solidified at lower temperatures, so in most cases does not need to be refrigerated.  Ghee does need to be stored in a glass container with a tight lid.  When removing from the jar, be careful to not contaminate and ruin it with other food products that may be present on a knife or spoon.

Ghee has a wonderful rich taste, but it also contains amazing healing properties.  First, it is tridoshic, meaning all 3 constitutions (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) benefit from its qualities of a sweet rasa (taste), cooling vīrya (the effects of ghee on metabolism) and sweet vipāka (post-digestive effect). It should be noted that the Kapha constitution needs to use sparingly, as ghee has kapha qualities and may cause imbalance.

Ghee is good for our health and is also used in Ayurveda for medicinal purposes.  It is considered a prabhāva, which means that its dynamic, electo-magnetic action, or its ability to heal, cannot be explained by the logic of rasa, virya, or vipāka. 

Because of its potent healing qualities you don’t need much. If one teaspoon or less is eaten per meal, ghee can actually help to increase HDL, the good cholesterol. 

Some additional reasons to use ghee when preparing your food are: 
  • Digestion (helps absorb and assimilate nutrients)
  • Improves memory. 
  • Helps increase flexibility by lubricating the connective tissues
  • Carries the medicinal properties of herbs into tissues (yogavāhi)
  • Stimulates the liver to produce fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K

You will find ghee the base of many herbal ointments for skin problems such as rashes and burns.

Medicated ghee’s or ghee containing medicinal herbs can also be made.  Basti is one example.  Basti’s (medicated enemas) are part of Ayurveda’s main Rejuvenating Detoxification, Pañchakarma.  One might receive a basti using ghee to sooth and heal tissues of the colon after a bout with constipation.

Information collected, edited and published by Sudesh DJV. 

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for the Mankind in general.


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