
Test to identify Patriots Traitors Cowards and Ignorants

Of late, it is noticed that a few Indians though in a very negligible percentage are adamant shamelessly trying to expose India's all-time best government under Mr. Modi. By doing so they are losing not only every prevailing ethics of politics and patriotism but also they are losing their credibility as a responsible political party.

The same has helped the normal citizens of India who are not affiliated with any political party realize the intention of certain parties below their skin, It is noted that most of the times the opposition parties get carried away with their agenda to the extent that they forget that they are also an Indian citizen and end up causing damage to the country itself. 

Recently I have noticed a lot many such posts which forced me to pen this article...It is really a very serious matter to worry and it is reaching a stage of the pathetic state of affairs... Some of them are happening due to oversight and some are happening purposefully.

I am about to brief a nice method " A Test" which will help to identify if a person is a "patriotic" or a "traitor" or a "coward" or a simple "immature"(fools )one. The test is so authentic that it is 100%  accurate as well as the immediate results too.

The method is very simple... we will ask the following questions to a person and the answer will make it easy for us to identify in which category do they fall. Before I put a few questions which could easily identify the category as mentioned above, I would like to give the below example to bring clarity on the issue.

The shameless politicians of the country are falling again to the extent that they are behaving like the worst traitors. 

If in a cricket match India loses early wickets, the Indian crowd cheer the remaining players even if the player is a 'tail-ender to make them feel "they can do it"... and are applauded for even ordinary good shots.. in order to boost the confidence of players...

But when a few soldiers are martyred at the border due to the fraud ambush of enemies, the same Indians start demoralizing the army on the incident instead of helping them to boost their morale... and the same is being done to show the contemporary government in poor light. Why...? This is one of the best examples to prove that the same patriotic Indian who encourages the tail-ender in cricket match even if there are no hopes left to win the game indulge in demoralizing activities on national media as well as on social media in order to settle their dirty ambition against the ruling party???Fulfilling dirty ambition against the ruling party at the expense of the nation's pride... I humbly appeal to those mothers, daughters, and sisters who have such brothers or husband or father to remain alert from such relatives of yours as they cannot be trusted as they may go to the extent of "selling" you too for the sake of their personal benefit if it can help them climb the ladder of the success in their political career. 

Somebody climbs the ladder of success due to their sheer talent, hard work, and attitude. We must not demoralize those who had contributed towards India's economy, and still contributing, and may remain so in the future..... Whenever the government announces anything in favor of Corporates, a lot of hue and cry is made to fool the citizens as if the government is doing great betrayal for the poor and the government is sympathetic towards the rich and richest...??????? 

I want to ask a question...

is it a crime to become a successful person who has managed to establish a huge business empire...? Why the hell the "traitors" cry foul if the government (any government) when makes moves to help the corporates... by means of new laws, by means of soft loans, by means of any appeasement in order to boost the trade or help an industrialist who was once a tycoon but pauper today...(Corporates are not criminals, they are the biggest blessings of any nation as they contribute to the jobs as well as the economy)...why this attitude???... when would this shameless Indian will become an Indian first, then a politician or a political follower...???

Is it a crime for a corporate rich billionaire to undergo failures in their business...?

Is it a crime if any struggling corporates businessman is provided with some support by the government in order to save them from the disaster which can save thousands of jobs ...?

Are the corporates and rich and the richest are not the citizens of India...?

Had they committed any crime by becoming one of the richest and huge job providers that when they are in trouble, they should be kicked ... and treated as enemies and untouchables...?

I won't understand, where Indians with such dirty attitudes are heading for...? The same above-mentioned attitude is adopted by some opposition members towards our a few GEM CORPORATE to whom we are indebted...??? Why...????

Some people are, fools to do that...
some are too immature to do that...
and some are "selfish" to do that...
and some are "traitors" to do that...

This pain of writing this message is only to "Save" those "immature" & "fools" to help open their eyes...and the "traitors and selfish guys" the "law of the Nation" may take care...
Are the citizens of this great country watching these activities and attitudes of a few members from the opposition as well as some of their followers...? The above is the mirror to them. If there is any conscience left in them after reading this article they will reform themselves otherwise they be prepared for the worst as nature is most powerful, Time will teach them all.

Both of the above images are one of the best and most favorite "Traitor test"... Those people who were barking continuously in the social media after they read the news about the unfortunate martyrs status of our heavenly brave soldiers, after a couple of days when this news started floating, Those who are Patriotic will jump with joy, those who were "Fools" (Innocently ignorant) will feel happy, but those who are "TRAITORS" will fell so sad that they disappear from the media to comment on this...They won't register their "like" expression on such posts... but they were desperate to "like" on every post which informs about the deaths of Indian brave soldiers...?

Those people who were barking on India's post-COVID lockdown India's GDP status which has fallen obviously due to lockdown and reasons related to COVID, "Traitors" will not utter any remark on this, you can find a pin drop silence. So in order to identify the TRAITORS among us, just watch those who barked on low GDP and who stayed away from the above posts... The TRAITOR status can be considered a very dangerous level if they start asking proof on the above messages, or if they say "it will not happen", let us see... THOSE PEOPLE WHO PUT SUCH REMARKS can easily become tomorrow's terrorists as they can fall prey in the hands of anti-nationals or have already fallen in the antinational's hands.

Above is the most painful post I found from a "FOOL"...whose self-explanatory above remark is highly annoying, disturbing, and pain-causing. When every Indian will automatically feel dejected if some other country will come up with the COVID vaccine when India is on the verge of completion of the trails, which could make India a really super country, which could make every Indian in India and abroad proud as well as the same may boost Indian economy too by a few billion, which may turn out to be a blessing for the nation in disguise under this COVID crisis period...,

Amid the China India crisis, when you find some Indian questioning India's possibility to win China and spend their time ridiculing without minding the repercussions the same will have on our soldiers who are fighting this crisis, will go underground and will not EVEN REACT TO THIS NEWS...THEN HE OR SHE CAN BE ASCERTAINED AS A TRAITOR... 

The "TRAITORS" WILL ESCHEW TO EVEN "mew" on any of this below post but if you must have watched them ridiculing LOW GDP, JOB LOSS, ETC... I appeal to the government to monitor social media and find out those who are traitors or are trapped in the wrong hands who are fallen to t the extent that they are moving against their own country. They won't feel pride when India is performing, 


Sudesh DJV 
Indore MP Indian
18th July 2020 
2:20 pm

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which are in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.


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