
Showing posts from January, 2019


गठबंधन की सरकारें आईं तो क्या रहा उनका प्रदर्शन? जाने.

Below information are courtesy ABP news.  एक ही जगह पर हमारे पीएम मोदी की उपलब्धियों पर 100 वीडियो देखें, इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें  or search in Google  "Why Modi is best and must for 2019" and click the link.  So it is adviced, irrespective of our political ideology and interests it is best always to choose a government which is not on the mercy of their opponents who may extent support to form the government on their personal terms and conditions which may have only their personal political ambitions in place with hardly any time to think about the country. Sudesh DJV Indore MP India 15th Jan 2019 9:50 am Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for the Mankind in general.

Atal Bihari Vajpai Sense of Humour

अटल जी का जन्म 25 दिसम्बर 1924 में हुआ था. उन्होंने देश सेवा के लिए अनेको काम किये. इनके पिता जी का नाम कृष्ण बिहारी वाजपेयी था जो कि ग्वालियर में एक अध्यापक थे. इनकी माता का नाम कृष्णा वाजपेयी था. अटल जी के कुल 7 भाई बहन थे. उन्होंने अपने जीवन मे शादी नही की. आज आपको हम उनसे जुड़ा एक किस्सा बताने जा रहे है जिसे पढ़कर आप उनकी तारीफ अवश्य करेंगे और साथ ही साथ आपको गर्व भी होगा अटल जी पर. ये वाकया 1999 का है जब अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी भारत के प्रधानमंत्री थे. उस समय भारत और पाकिस्तान के समझौते से एक बस सेवा शुरू हुई थी, जिसे अमृतसर-लाहौर बस सेवा नाम दिया गया. इस बस का उद्घाटन स्वयं अटल जी ने बस में सफर कर के किया था. उन्होंने बस में लाहौर तक कि यात्रा की. लाहौर में उनका भव्य स्वागत हुआ था. उन्होंने वहां की गवर्नर हाउस में भाषण देते हुए कहा था ‘तुम दोस्त बदल सकते हो पड़ोसी नही, तुम इतिहास बदल सकते हो भूगोल नही.’ उसी समय वहां मौजूद ने एक महिला पत्रकार ने उनसे पूछा कि आप आज तक अविवाहित क्यो है और मैं आपसे शादी करना चाहती हूं, लेकिन मेरी शर्त है कि आपको मुंह दिखाई में कश्मीर देना ...

Child Kidnappers Beware this faces

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for the Mankind in general.

Decentralizing of Polling booths A revolutionary suggestion.

The election of May 2019 is ogling on India and its political parties. All are desperate to prove their heart towards Indian citizens so as to win the hearts of each one of them. One thing is important as an Indian we must make sure that the election and its result must truly reveal the Indian majority's intentions and interests and it must not be left at the mercy of the situation. In order to bring the election more transparent, practical, and more accountable we must bring in a revolutionary change in the electoral system as suggested below which if considered would help India choose the right candidate at the booth and at the national level. Without elaborating I would like to suggest that the Indian government must introduce either a digital electronic voter Id or the Aadhar card must be used as the identity to vote . The digital voter id must be in the line of an ATM card and then the polling booths across the nation must be decentralized nation...

राफेल डील में ऑफसेट धनराशि का बंटवारा विवरण

राफेल डील में ऑफसेट धनराशि का बंटवारा : संक्षिप्त विवरण 36 राफेल जेट (हथियार+विशेष बदलाव के बाद) की लागत : 59000 करोड़ रुपए. गवर्नमेंट टू गवर्नमेंट डील है, मतलब पैसा भारत सरकार फ्रांस सरकार को देगी. गवर्नमेंट टू गवर्नमेंट डील में समझौते के मुताबिक सौदे का 50% ऑफसेट के रूप में भारत में निवेश करना होगा. 50% ऑफसेट मतलब लगभग 30000 करोड़ रुपए. राफेल डील में मुख्य रूप से 4 कंपनियां है. जिनमें से 3 फ्रांस की कंपनी है और 1 भारत की कंपनी है.  इन चारों में 50% ऑफसेट धनराशि (30000 करोड़ रुपए) का बंटवारा इस प्रकार हुआ है..  1. THALES (फ्रांस) : 6300 करोड़ रुपए 2. DASSAULT (फ्रांस) : 8400 करोड़ रुपए 3. SAFRAN (फ्रांस) : 6300 करोड़ रुपए 4. DRDO (भारत) : 9000 करोड़ रुपए 5. ये चारों कंपनियां राफेल के अलग अलग मुख्य पार्ट्स बनाएंगी, जो इस प्रकार है.. 👇 6. THALES : इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रडार और एयरक्राफ्ट में काउंटर मेजर्स बनाएगी. 7. DASSAULT : एयरफ्रेम और सिस्टम इंटीग्रेशन बनाएगी. 8. SAFRAN : M88 इंजन और लैंडिंग गीअर बनाएगी. 9. DRDO :  डिजाइन कि...

Shanidev Sade Sathi Saturns influence

On 29th April 2022 Saturn is changing its position and it is extremely advantageous to Dhani Rashi... Watch the video from the expert.  Sade-Sati  is the 7   1 ⁄ 2  years long period of Saturn (Shani). This astrological phase is much feared by those in India  who give credence to Indian Astrology. According to those beliefs, this is a period with many challenges. Saturn, the karaka for hard work, discipline, old age and authority, will show results based on how the individual has lived his/her life up till that point. If the person has been disciplined and worked hard, this is the moment Saturn shows its rewards. Sade Sathi's heaviest challenges during this time, and how the individual deals with it, set the tone for the next 22.5 years in three different intervals as Saturn starts to move around the twelve houses again. Sade Sathi is divided into three phases called Rising, Peak and Setting and the results of Sade Sathi vary as per the phase native is g...

Sahaja Yoga Testimonials Experiences

The above video is the testimonials of a Sahaji brother who became Covid positive and cured.  Below is a Testimonial from a Sahaja yogini "Maria Laventz". ( As narrated by her) A young girl's experience being shared after her joining Sahaja yoga...  A glass of water: I was born in Athens in 1945 and as a child knew it was necessary for me to learn English, which I did at the age of eleven and it was most useful later when I met Shri Mataji. At the age of seventeen, I had a vision of Lord Jesus in my house, during Easter time, the most frustrating period of the year for me, as I could not bear the crucifixion. Shri Jesus appeared on the cross and as He saw me so frustrated, the nails came off His hands and feet, He came down from the cross, and smiling He sat with me at a large empty dinner table, I asked why we sat at such a large table and He answered that it would soon be filled with people. He then asked me for a glass of water and some bread, and to touch His...

Prayagraj Kumbh Largest Spiritual Gathering

Once Durvasa Muni cursed the Demigods. Due to his curse, they lost their strength. The didn’t stop there and approached Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva in order to regain their strength. Both of them Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva gave advice to Demigods that they need to pray Lord Vishnu to regain their strength. Lord Vishnu asked them to churn the ocean of milk which was then known as Ksheera Sagar in order to get Amrit. It was the only solution to regain their strength back, but this task was so sturdy for all of them. Since the demigods had not enough power and strength to do this task alone, they made a mutual agreement with Demons. The Demons were agreed to help them at only one condition. The condition was that they had to share half of the nectar of immortality (Amrit) with them.   The Meru Mountain played the role of churning rod to churn Ksheera Sagar. The king of serpents “Vasuki” played the part of rope around the mountain. एक ही जगह पर हमारे पीएम मोदी की उपल...

Shri Socrates 7th Incarnated Adi Guru

Shri Socrates is regarded as one of the founders of Western philosophy. The teachings of this Greek philosopher are well known only through the accounts of his students, in particular, through Plato's dialogues. He lived for the period (469 -399 BC). He is the 7th Incarnated Adi Guru on our planet earth. Shree Mataji  Nirmala Devi Ji has stated that Shri Socrates was an incarnation of the Primordial Master and that every word that Shri Socrates has said is absolute truth. Below are the words of Shree Mataji on "Shri Socrates". Socrates, who came here in such a condition when people were really, absolutely ignorant, in the complete darkness of ignorance. They could not understand him. They could not understand Socrates at all and so like any other Primordial Master, Socrates was ill-treated by the people who were surrounding him. He was very much ill-treated and nobody listened to him. But of course, he was a Primordial Master and his wisdom is well-known and he c...