
Showing posts from May, 2021


Cow dung's anti-radiation qualities Proved

We all know most of the Indian houses in the villages are found pasted the floors, walls and even ceiling with cow dung. The entire premises of the place of stay too are pasted with Cow dung. The reason behind the same are many but most quick and easiest reply could be it cool the premises by few degrees.  But the above radiation measurement instrument clearly demonstrates how the radiation of the mobile is neutralized immediately after placing mobile on the cow dung.  Really amazing. Even today there are a few percent of literate fools among us who consider themselves as intellectuals and leave no opportunity to ridicule Hindus ancient customs. But this demonstration must open their eyes.  It is noticed that each and every customs of Hinduism which we used to follow were totally backed with 200% scientific reasons behind it which non- Hindus were used to subject to ridicule at the same time some of the Hindus behave reluctant to acknowledge and defend these facts due to ...

Crow's amazing Intelligence proved in this videos

Crow is one of the most commonly found birds in every part of the world. Crow is mostly found in human habitat as it feeds on the kitchen wastes generated from the households. Crow though is an important bird as it helps to keep the surrounding clean as it feeds on anything which is perishable. Crow is an important bird for Hinduism as it is directly related to one of the important functions of Hindus named "Shraadh".  But the below video is presented here altogether for a different reason. This video perfectly shows the intelligence" of the Crow. Watch the brief documentary provided by BBC. Brief documentary of BBC world which proves how crows are truly intelligent.  A thirsty crow operating the water tap of its own to quench its thirst...  Crow intelligently stealing Egg...    Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general

Bangkok Police Officer's unique way of handling a criminal

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Ex- PM Rajiv Gandhi's Lakshadweep Vacation An overview

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

#SevenYearsOfSeva Modi govt's 7 Years Performance Briefed

Our beloved "Bharatvarsh" has achieved several milestones during the 7 years of the Modi government. #7YearsOfSeva.  Category wise achievements are briefed below.  🔘 International Memberships ● EBRD Membership ● International Energy Agency ● Australia Group ● SCO Membership ● Wassenaar Arrangement ● MTCR Membership ● CREN ● Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) ● International Solar Alliance 🔘 Security Pacts ● Military Logistic Pact 'LEMOA' with USA ● Military Logistic Pact 'MLSA' with France ● Military Logistic Pact with South Korea ● Cross Servicing Agreement 'ACSA' with Japan. ● MLSA pact with Australia.  ● Military Logistic Pact with Russia. ● Access to 'Sabang Port' Indonesia ● Naval Base at 'Assomption Island' ● Military base in 'Agalega Island' ● Access to 'Duqm Port' in Oman ● To Build 'Trincomalee Port' Sri Lanka ● Maritime Logistic Pact with Singapore ● White Shipping Pact with Israel. 🔘 Big S...

Shabnam Khan The fierce lady on CAA and NRC

  जब भी मैं अपने मुस्लिम भाइयों और बहनों से इस तरह का वीडियो भाषण सुनता हूं, तो हमारे महान राष्ट्र के भविष्य के लिए मेरी आशा और मजबूत हो जाती है। ये हमारे महान राष्ट्र के वे मुसलमान हैं जो अपने खराब जुड़ाव के कारण और दुनिया भर से सभी गलत कारणों से खबरों में रहने के कारण समुदाय की  बदनामी को मिटाने के लिए पैदा हुए हैं। Whenever I come across this kind of video speech from our Muslim brothers and sisters, my hope for our great nation's future becomes stronger, These are those Muslims of our great Nation who are born to eradicate the ill-fame otherwise the community is carrying due to its bad association and for being in the news for all wrong reasons from across the globe. I strongly appreciate and start feeling proud of the entire community as these kinds of isolated videos prove that Muslim brothers and sisters are also truly patriotic and Nationalist. A few of them come out openly to those who are not slaves of their radical bosses and some of them silently contain their feel...

Mohd Faiz Khan speech on CAA

जब भी मैं अपने मुस्लिम भाइयों और बहनों से इस तरह का वीडियो भाषण सुनता हूं, तो हमारे महान राष्ट्र के भविष्य के लिए मेरी आशा और मजबूत हो जाती है। ये हमारे महान राष्ट्र के वे मुसलमान हैं जो अपने खराब जुड़ाव के कारण और दुनिया भर से सभी गलत कारणों से खबरों में रहने के कारण समुदाय की बदनामी को मिटाने के लिए पैदा हुए हैं। Whenever I come across this kind of video speech from our Muslim brothers and sisters, my hope for our great nation's future becomes stronger, These are those Muslims of our great Nation who are born to eradicate the ill-fame otherwise the community is carrying due to its bad association and for being in the news for all wrong reasons from across the globe. I strongly appreciate and start feeling proud of the entire community as these kinds of isolated videos prove that Muslim brothers and sisters are also truly patriotic and Nationalist. A few of them come out openly to those who are not slaves of their radical bosses and some of them silently contain their feeling and ...

Beware of Rivers which are strange for you

The above video is of a tragedy that occured when a few friends together were enjoying their picnic.  The above video is an eye-opener for us to remain alert when we approach any rivers, lakes, or backwaters  at a place that is strange for us. We never know the peculiarities and dangers associated with the river and what could be in store for us in the form of a tragedy. Watch the complete video. यह है बीसलपुर बांध की घटना है जहां पिकनिक मनाने गए व्यक्तियों में महिला को मगरमच्छ ने शिकार बनाया सभी से निवेदन गहरे पानी और अनजान जगह पिकनिक मनाने जाए तो पूर्ण सावधानी रखे जहा तक हो बारिश में नहाने एवम भोजन का आनंद ले और सुरक्षित रहे Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Candle and human mind A poem

The Candles are struggling to remain lit- Amid the furious storm,  It is desperate to show light- to the pupils returning home.  Just like a Human mind- often tends to drown of the pain,  struggles their way to find- to stop the moments- going in vain.  Candles are like our mind- Which remain intact and fine,  Only till the ordeal it find- tends to frustrate and fails to shine.  More the human ordeals, more if longer- Like the wind to a candle,  Overcoming the ordeal, humans becomes stronger- Like the candle protected--with a careful handle. Sudesh DJV  Indore MP India  30th May 2021  6:30 am.  Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Trees it's amazing role on environment

पेड़ो के बारे मे महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी . पेड़ धरती पर सबसे पुरानें living organism हैं, और ये कभी भी ज्यादा उम्र की वजह से नही मरते. हर साल 5 अऱब पेड़ लगाए जा रहे है लेकिन हर साल 10 अऱब पेड़ काटे भी जा रहे हैं. एक पेड़  दिन में इतनी ऑक्सीजन देता है कि 4 आदमी जिंदा रह सकें. देशों की बात करें, तो दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा पेड़ रूस में है उसके बाद कनाडा में उसके बाद ब्राज़ील में फिर अमेरिका में और उसके बाद भारत में केवल 35 अऱब पेड़ बचे हैं. दुनिया की बात करें, तो 1 इंसान के लिए 422 पेड़ बचे है. लेकिन अगर भारत की बात करें, तो 1 हिंदुस्तानी के लिए सिर्फ 28 पेड़ बचे हैं. पेड़ो की कतार धूल-मिट्टी के स्तर को 75% तक कम कर देती है. और 50% तक शोर को कम करती हैं. एक पेड़ इतनी ठंड पैदा करता है जितनी 1 A.C 10 कमरों में 20 घंटो तक चलने पर करता है. जो इलाका पेड़ो से घिरा होता है वह दूसरे इलाकों की तुलना में 9 डिग्री ठंडा रहता हैं. पेड़ अपनी 10% खुराक मिट्टी से और 90% खुराक हवा से लेते है. एक पेड़ में एक साल में 2,000 लीटर पानी धरती से चूस लेता हैं. एक एकड़ में लगे हुए पेड़ 1 साल में इतनी Co2 सोख लेते है जितनी...

Four illegal Bangladeshi involved in gang rape nabbed

  Karnataka police have done another good job by immediately nabbing all the four gang-rape accused after a shootout. Of late Indian police has raised the expectation of its citizens by acting in a proper way to the type of criminals who deserves it.  All four of them are believed to be from Bangladesh who was staying at Banglore illegally for a long time. These kinds of tragic and worst unfortunate incidents are almighty's another way of helping a section of India's citizens to make them realize they need for NRC and the need to implement other necessary measures to sanitize our country with illegal immigrants.  NRC is the need of the country not the need of the BJP, earlier the Selfish jokers realize better for the nation and for the nation's coming generations.  Sudesh DJV  Indore MP India  30th May 2021  5:50 pm Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and f...

Randeep Singh Surjewala Sincere spokesperson of Congress

Congress spokesperson Mr. Randeep Singh Surjewala registering his protest on the step of the government of vacating the Bungalow unconstitutionally occupied by Priyanka Gandhi, which was countered by a nationallist. Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Leopard kills Monkey and see it's infant cling to it. What happens then?

The above video is of a tiger catching its prey a female (mother)monkey, but upon killing the monkey, the tiger realized that the mother monkey's body is being held up it's probably day old infant baby monkey.  See how the tiger reacts... Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

10 Unique Villages of India. Amazing facts.

Every Indian must know about these special villages in India which is spread across the country and are known for their special and unique reasons. Watch the video below to see the detailed information about each village. Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

7 Indian Places where Indians are not Allowed!

The above video is briefed about Seven Indian places where Indians are strictly restricted. Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Toolkit Conspiracy Revealed

Nicely tried to explain how the wild designed Toolkit are introduced to destabilize our nation.  Ex CM and veteran Congress leader sincerely working hard to establish the narrative as part of Toolkit agenda.  Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Amazing Skydive at the age of 103 years.

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Know Why this 'GIRL" want to sell her Uncle?

Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

World's Unbelievably adventurous school routes

                    Below are the images from Padang, Sumatra from Indonesia. Watch the above breathtaking video from Tanzania of Australia of school children going to school hanging on an iron ropeway without any fear at all as they are used to it. Below are the children traveling to school on inflated tubes...from Rizal Province Philippines Students from some parts of Kerala India student going to School Pupil Self Canoeing to reach school Riau Indonesia Below is the image of  Cilangkap Village Indonesia Below are the images from Pili China Pupils traveling through a forest's bridge naturally built through the roots of the trees o reach school. North East India Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which are in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Pfizer Vaccine The apprehensive factors

                                     Wion news clip on the Vaccine of Pfizer related apprehensive factors What are the side effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine? There is a remote chance that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to one hour after getting a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. For this reason, your vaccination provider may ask you to stay at the place where you received your vaccine for monitoring after vaccination. Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include1: Difficulty breathing, swelling of your face and throat, A fast heartbeat, A bad rash all over your body, Dizziness and weakness, Severe allergic reactions, Non-severe allergic reactions such as rash, itching, hives, or swelling of the face, Injection site pain, Tiredness, Headache, Muscle pa...

Sonu Nigam Singer beyond excellence

The super talent displayed by Sonu Nigam by singing various singers songs in their presence on the subject of "Note bandi"...  Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which are in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.

Lakshadweep The issues and Solutions

During the 2020 Accidental confession of Kerala film superstar Prithviraj about the "Lakshadweep" as he narrates that, in spite of being one of the most potential tourist destinations of India, it does not have any tourism infrastructure and it is reluctant to mingle.  Lakshadweep islands, off the coast of the southern Indian state of Kerala, are complaining about a string of policies initiated by an Indian Central government under the immediate administration of Mr. Prafful Patel.  Lakshadweep is a union territory run by an administrator appointed by the central government. Only 10 of its 36 islands,  in the Arabian Sea, are inhabited. Muslims account for 93 percent of the islands which has more or less 70,000 population. Kerala, is the closest Indian state, is just 240 kilometers away. The above is the video of a "Malayalam interview" on the issue of Lakshadweep.. Excellent briefing by Mr. Sandeep with utmost clarity and conviction. Until December last year wh...