Cow dung's anti-radiation qualities Proved
We all know most of the Indian houses in the villages are found pasted the floors, walls and even ceiling with cow dung. The entire premises of the place of stay too are pasted with Cow dung. The reason behind the same are many but most quick and easiest reply could be it cool the premises by few degrees. But the above radiation measurement instrument clearly demonstrates how the radiation of the mobile is neutralized immediately after placing mobile on the cow dung. Really amazing. Even today there are a few percent of literate fools among us who consider themselves as intellectuals and leave no opportunity to ridicule Hindus ancient customs. But this demonstration must open their eyes. It is noticed that each and every customs of Hinduism which we used to follow were totally backed with 200% scientific reasons behind it which non- Hindus were used to subject to ridicule at the same time some of the Hindus behave reluctant to acknowledge and defend these facts due to ...