Arabs drinks Camel's Urine?
The purpose of this page is to find out if there is any medicine properties in Camel urine just like it is found in Cow Urine.
The below videos probably points towards the same though i could not understand the Arab language.
But as widely circulated and most of those who are interested in ridiculing those who claim Cow urine is good for health, I want to point out the fact that Cow urine is never consumed raw as seen in the below video... Instead, Cow urine are extracted and it is refined, and undergoes processing and then it is made suitable to drink.
There is no doubt that Cow urine, as well as Cow dung as well as Cow colostrum (the initial thick yellow milk that Cow gives during the initial days after giving birth to its calf), are all great medicinal properties proven by scientists worldwide.
Camel sacrifice...
Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which is in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.