Farmers law agitation. The issues and Solution
If one is not a fool, one must be knowing that this LAW is troubling, NOT KISAN but the mediators who were MISUTILIZING and taking away the huge profits as COMMISSION and as well as by selling at inflated prices after buying it at cheaper prices from FARMERS.
I wonder why there is no provision to move Court against Yogendra Yadav and others in the agitation for their respective roles in the agitation against farms law even though they themselves agree it is beneficial for the majority Farmers...
Both of the above videos are of the Honest Confession of Yogendra Yadav about the real purpose behind the farmers law agitation.
This new Farms law is THE BIGGEST BLESSING for farmers. These commission agents are Just trying to fool the nation. Of course, these commission agents must approach Govt honestly to help them compensate their business losses by some other means and Govt must consider giving them priorities in establishing cold storage, huge modern go downs etc.
Sudesh DJV
Indore MP India
11th June 2021
9:15 PM
The above video is brief description about the farmers agitation and the solution.
One of the main reasons why the Rakesh Taikait has managed to keep crowding the farmers agitation.
Sudesh DJV writes on contemporary subjects in the form of Articles and poems which are in the interest of the Nation in particular and for Mankind in general.